Another Great Vintage Issue of Gourmet
Monday, August 3, 2015
April, 1975 is such a rich issue you could spend hours reading articles by Joseph Wechsberg, Naomi Barry and Lillian Langseth-Christensen. There are wonderful restaurant reviews by Jay Jacobs and Caroline Bates. And then you could go on to spend days cooking from the issue. Literally; some of these recipes are stunningly time-consuming.
This was the issue that introduced the Food Processor to the American public.
And here is the first recipe; it would make a perfect little summer supper.
And - sorry, I couldn't resist this - here's a rather shocking example of what is now being called "native advertising," smack dab in the middle of the article.
Anxiously awaiting your return to Tucson for the Book Festival next year!
Hi GM -
The picture is actually brioche - they didn't show what the "corks" look like. I'm imagining stubby little tubes, but I don't think the shape really matters. You could make them into little patties just as easily.
But at this point Gourmet was testing all the recipes - the great Sally Darr was a senior editor - so you can be sure that this works.
The recipe sounds most excellent but I am still trying to figure out that rolling them into "cork" shapes and pan frying will allow them to look like the ones in the picture. I guess I will try it and see. Thank you Ruth and Gourmet for one of many thousands of recipes. I received the magazine from 1975 until the very end. RIP.