Another Great Vintage Issue of Gourmet


April, 1975 is such a rich issue you could spend hours reading articles by Joseph Wechsberg, Naomi Barry and Lillian Langseth-Christensen.  There are wonderful restaurant reviews by Jay Jacobs and Caroline Bates.  And then you could go on to spend days cooking from the issue. Literally; some of these recipes are stunningly time-consuming. 

This was the issue that introduced the Food Processor to the American public.



And here is the first recipe; it would make a perfect little summer supper.




And - sorry, I couldn't resist this - here's a rather shocking example of what is now being called "native advertising,"  smack dab in the middle of the article.  



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Anxiously awaiting your return to Tucson for the Book Festival next year!

Hi GM -

The picture is actually brioche - they didn't show what the "corks" look like. I'm imagining stubby little tubes, but I don't think the shape really matters. You could make them into little patties just as easily.
But at this point Gourmet was testing all the recipes - the great Sally Darr was a senior editor - so you can be sure that this works.

The recipe sounds most excellent but I am still trying to figure out that rolling them into "cork" shapes and pan frying will allow them to look like the ones in the picture. I guess I will try it and see. Thank you Ruth and Gourmet for one of many thousands of recipes. I received the magazine from 1975 until the very end. RIP.

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