Delicious! A Novel
Billie Breslin has traveled far from her home in California to take a job at Delicious!, New York’s most iconic food magazine. Away from her family, particularly her older sister, Genie, Billie feels like a fish out of water—until she is welcomed by the magazine’s colorful staff. She is also seduced by the vibrant downtown food scene, especially by Fontanari’s, the famous Italian food shop where she works on weekends. Then Delicious! is abruptly shut down, but Billie agrees to stay on in the empty office, maintaining the hotline for reader complaints in order to pay her bills. MORE
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Published: 2009
Author: Ruth Reichl
This is the paperback version of Not Becoming My Mother. Why did we change the title? Long story. But everybody loved this picture of me and Mom. She looks so glamorous (and I look so chubby).

Published: 2005
Author: Ruth Reichl
Romulo Yanes shot this cover in the studio at Gourmet. I loved the idea of being present, but hidden. And I loved the bright colors. I mean, with a title like that it had to be blue, right?

Published: 2001
Author: Ruth Reichl
This picture was taken in Spain in the last 80s, when I went with a group of chefs to show the world how great American cooking had become. (The publisher added the background.)

Published: 1998
Author: Ruth Reichl
That really is me on the cover. I wish I could remember what I was cooking when my father snapped this picture in 1955.

Published: 2006
Author: Ruth: Reichl

Published: Spring 2007
By: Shizuo Tsuji
Introduction: MFK Fisher
New Introduction: Ruth Reichl

Published: 2004
Editor: Ruth Reichl

By: Angelo M. Pellegrini
Foreward: Mario Batali
Editor: Ruth Reichl

Published: 2006
By: Edward Bunyard
Foreward: Michael Pollan
Introduction: David Karp
Editor: Ruth Reichl

Published: 2002
Editor: Ruth Reichl

Published: 2001
By: Henri Charpentier and Boyden Sparks
Introduction: Alice Waters
Editor: Ruth Reichl

Published: 2001
By: Edouard de Pomiane
Introduction: Elizabeth David
Editor: Ruth Reichl

Published: 2001
By: Samuel Chamberlain
Introduction: Ruth Reichl
Editor: Ruth Reichl

Published: 2001
By: Wanda L. Frolov
Introduction: Marion Cunningham
Editor: Ruth Reichl

Published: 2001
By: Idwal Jones
Introduction: Anthony Bourdain
Editor: Ruth Reichl

Published: 2002
By: Robert Farrar Capon
Introduction: Deborah Madison
Editor: Ruth Reichl

Published: 2001
By: Laura Shapiro
Introduction: Michael Stern
Editor: Ruth Reichl

Published: 2002
By: Marcel Rouff
Introduction: Jeffrey Steingarten
Editor: Ruth Reichl

Published: 1996
Introduction: Ruth Reichl

Published: 1999
Introduction: Ruth Reichl
Editor: Dominque Gioia